Friday, December 20, 2013

Differences in Marriage Practices Abroad

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Differences in Marriage Practices Abroad
David Christian Toepfer
ANT 101
September 30th 2013

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Although marriage worldwide has many of the same principles in mind, everyone has their own specific and unique way of which marriage customs are carried out. In this text I will expand upon the differences and similarities between the Yemen, Israeli, and American marriage customs. Although these three different cultures share many differences, they as well share many similarities in the way marriage customs are carried out.
            In the early days well before the United States of America was established Yemenites practiced arranged marriages and divorce customs established and enforced by the control of the Talmud and the Maimonids. These Yemenites had been neglectfully left for themselves by the Jewish communities. Within these customs practices such as arranged marriages, arranged marriages of minors; and as well divorce against the wives’ approval were carried out. There was a great deal of economic stimuli involved in these customs, as arranged marriages were said to be for the benefit of the female’s financial future.
It was also utilized to provide a good structure for family and a good environment to raise children in. This is similar to that of American cultures adaptation of the structural foundation of marriage in reference to good foundation for raising a family. Females who were considered to be orphans underwent the same processes but for a different reason; which was to ensure that they would not have to be submitted to the conversion to Islam. In Yemen, the age that a child is no longer considered a minor and may enter into the union of marriage is 12 ½ much, much, lower than here in the states.

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It is not commonplace as it is here in America to see couples arguing in raging shouting match’s using harsh language towards one another in acts of aggression in Yemen. The women there are dedicated to the husband and to providing the best home and support at home possible for that of their husband and children alike. The husband in the Yemen culture is highly devoted to providing for his family as best as he can. This can be associated with how the traditional American family was structured and still is for the vast majority of America’s families today.
            “Since 1953 the only marriages recognized by the Jewish state are Orthodox Jewish marriages and civil marriages performed outside of Israel” (Dadoo, 2004, p. #). Israel does not recognize anything other than described above as a marriage custom that is regarded as a legal union, but rather ones of only interfaith and religion with no legal dexterity what so ever. In other terms, if you desired and planned to marry someone and form a legal union between the two of you, they must be an Israelite as well and you must adhere to the Orthodox Jewish customs or conduct a civil marriage outside of Israel.
A civil marriage would require a lawyer to draw up a marriage contract so that your marriage would be legally binding. Marriage laws in Israel both historically and currently have left many people unhappy and without hope in reference to marriage. In America we have quite the opposite as far as legal customs when in regards to marriage. For instance; in the United States if someone that is not a citizen of this country is legally bound into a marriage contract with someone of this country they then become a citizen of the United States of America. Far different from Israeli law.
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Israeli customs make it very difficult for persons of the country that wish to marry outside of social normality for many reasons. One such reason is the fact that if you choose to marry someone that is not an Israeli than you must adhere to moving your life to an occupied territory outside of Israel or making the choice of living apart from your spouse. International human rights groups have stepped in and declared that these actions and laws predudice.
People that are against these marriage customs convey that they truly believe that these laws are set it place to preserve Jewish identity. This is a completely plausible explanation for such actions, but far from right in any sense. In America we are free to marry interracially with no problems what so ever as far as mainstream society and laws deem anyways. There is still of course the underground prejudice that exists in every society. These types of prejudice take many forms, some miniscule and some of a radical nature.
The Jewish population has risen drastically from the 70’s into the 90’s this hold weight in the evidence department in reference to the beliefs of those opposed to these customs. America is very diverse and we are built on and proud of our great diversities and many cultures. The population of Israel is still growing due largely in part to the migration of large numbers of individuals from the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, and South America.

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The Jewish Orthodox Community may be small but still enforces the rules of marriage law throughout Israel. This in correlation with the amount of growth Israel has seen together provides a very difficult situation for the people of Israel. The termination of marriage or “divorce” in Israeli customs is much like that of the United States. There are only two ways to exit a legally binding marriage, which are either death or divorce.
Although arranged marriages were never quite the social norm in America, people of poor economic backgrounds have practiced similar customs in order to assure financial stability in a child’s future; primarily a younger girl with an older man. In America we have many freedoms in reference to marriage and lifestyle choices in contrast to countries such as Israel and Yemen and many other Middle Eastern regions.
In America we have always had the right to be legally bound in the union of marriage, but until recent years this was a union said to be for that only of a man and a women. The United States is truly revolutionary in terms of change and evolution of ideas and practices. It is now socially acceptable in the vast majority of the country, and legal in many places within the U.S. to partake in same sex marriage customs that are legally binding. The act and role of marriage throughout the world and throughout history has had the same structural backbone, and that is to promote a good structure for the rearing of children and the creation of new families with strong moral ground. Countries such as Yemen and Israel have always been far different from the New
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World or as we know it America. These countries are many thousands of years older than ours, our country is but a baby in terminology of countries by age internationally.
            The act of marriage has been a constant process of evolution. Bonding between man and women began far back into the Stone Age and was considered a way of organizing and controlling sexual practices and to form a good structure for the rearing of children. Marriage for the most part of humanity has always existed and been an important societal role.
As with the evolution of mankind and our technologies, the evolution of ideas and practices, beliefs and morals have brought us to new places in the many societies that make up our planet. We have come a long way but have much farther to go. We are slowly making progress in the direction of nationwide support both legally and those with bias opinions on the subject of same sex marriages here in America. Other countries such as the ones depicted in this text seem to be “stuck in their ways” so to speak, and it is truly a travesty that all humans cannot openly without ridicule choose to be with whom they feel makes a good match.

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Nashim, J. (2006) Journal of Jewish Women’s Studies and Gender Issues. Marriage and      Divorce Customs in Yemen and Eretz Israel. Spring; 11: 43-83. Retreived from
Dadoo, S. (2004) The Washington Report of Middle Eastern Affairs. Love and Marriage in Israel: Palestinian and Non-Orthodox Need Not Apply. Vol. 23, No. 1 pp. 18-19 Retrieved from
Huston, T. (2000) Journal of Marriage and Family. The Social Ecology of Marriage and Other Intimate Unions. Vol. 62, No. 2 pp.298-320 Retrieved from

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