Friday, December 20, 2013

Positive Effects of Marijuana Legalization

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Positive Effects of Marijuana Legalization
David Christian Toepfer
SOC 120
October 29th 2013

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For many years marijuana has been the most popular and socially acceptable street drug within our global society as a whole. The marijuana trade in the underground drug world is a booming business in this country and beyond. On the other hand marijuana trade for medical purposes and in the two U.S. states in which recreational use is legal, the business is booming as well. Currently in more places now than ever before, legalization of both recreational and medical marijuana is becoming much more prevalent within our society as on a broad spectrum; on even a global scale. The idea of Marijuana legalization stirs up many different ethical issues all over the globe, some of a positive nature, and some of a negative one. America’s economy is hurting pretty badly in these current times, and we need real change. Nationwide marijuana legalization would do, such things as: stimulate the economy, save financial resources used for our police and judicial system, provide comfort for those that cannot take traditional pain medications, provide those with particular afflictions or diseases, who cannot find relief or proper treatment from; anything else, other than medicines/products derived from marijuana or the marijuana plant itself, and provide patients with depression and anger issues with alternative methods of treatment; it is very clear that marijuana legalization would play a very positive role in modern day society.
            Within the United States only Colorado and Washington have adopted the legalization of marijuana for recreational use. Other states have adopted marijuana for medical purposes, as it is now accepted for medical purposes in the following U.S. states: New Hampshire, Vermont, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Mexico, New Jersey, Nevada, Michigan, Oregon, Maine, Illinois, Hawaii, Delaware, Washington DC, Connecticut, Arizona, Maryland, Montana,
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California and Alaska. The majority, approximately seventy percent of those states have as well implemented some sort of decriminalization of Marijuana (World Future Society, 2012).
“The Drug Enforcement Agency employs over 9,000 people and has a budget so huge that I’ve repressed it. Lately it’s in the neighborhood of $2 billion. That’s $2,000,000,000. marijuana arrests consistently top three-quarters of a million per year.” To break that down into an example, that is approximately one marijuana arrest every forty seconds (Earleywine, 2013). This is a perfect example of financial resources that we could utilize for more critical issues such as; heightened security at public schools, or fighting the wars on meth and crack cocaine. Which right now, happen to be at their height in popularity socially; in following and applying the theory of utilitarianism (Witt, G. A., & Mossler, R. A. 2010) we can see that the greatest number of individuals could benefit from such changes in law.
Here is another fact effecting an entire states educational funding. “11 percent of California’s general fund went to prison spending; 6 percent went to higher education. Maybe the point of these laws isn’t to end marijuana abuse so much as to keep members of law enforcement and the prison industry employed” (Earleywine, 2013). If we were to follow the Utilitarian theory of ethical practices in reference to marijuana legalization we will benefit drastically on an economic level alone. More than 550 economists prepared and sent a letter to legislators, governors, congress and even the president himself in an attempt to shed some light on the positive effects of marijuana legalization for our economy.

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A report was prepared Professor Jeffrey A. Miron that expanded upon the financial positives of the decriminalization of marijuana. This report was the foundation on which the letter was prepared. (J. Benson, 2012)
When applying the theory of utilitarianism to this topic, and then directly contrasting this issue with the debate of alcohol vs. marijuana from an ethical standpoint; it gets kind of sketchy in regards to federal and state laws. As the book expands upon utilitarianism in the following; “A natural way to see if an act is the right thing to do (or the wrong thing to do), is to look at its results, or consequences. Utilitarianism argues that, given a set of choices, the act we should choose is that which produces the best results for the greatest number affected by that choice” (Witt, G. A., & Mossler, R. A. 2010). I just cannot seem to make a connection between marijuana remaining illegal and the immense social and medical positives for the greatest number of people with that being the end result. I am as well, equally if not more concerned with the fact that alcohol is such a widely used, socially normal product of the states, and many parts of the world. Even though it has tremendous health risks for both users, and those affected by the users. I just can’t understand from a utilitarian perspective, that alcohols benefits somehow outweigh marijuana’s? This is discouraging because as intelligent modern day humans, so many of us find it almost insanity, that marijuana is not yet legalized. Or at least the fact that it is even more appalling to think, that alcohol is thought more highly of in every aspect of the term by the powers that be.

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Evidence of the medicinal use of marijuana dates back to ancient times, in fact there has been in excess of 17,000 articles published about marijuana and the benefits that it holds on many medicinal level’s, and on a wide spectrum in the name of patient wellness. This is blatantly evident due to the fact that these publishing’s all describe the same thing, which is; relief from such things as: nausea, vomiting, pain and muscle spasms, as well as relief from a wide variety of very debilitating conditions.  Marijuana has also been shown to help stimulate hunger. It is very useful in the act of stimulating hunger in those who have trouble maintaining a healthy nutrition regimen due to different types of psychological eating disorders. Here is one example of the immense benefits that medical marijuana holds, for patients in which; suffer from some of most debilitating conditions.Marijuana provides significant relief in patients suffering from peripheral neuropathy, an extremely painful nerve condition afflicting one-third of people living with HIV and for which conventional drugs often offer no relief, according to a recent study.” (Arias, D. C. 2007).
            Patients have also had much success in the very troubling torture of chronic nerve pain associated with HIV and other health issues, which is sometimes rather quite hard to adequately treat. Studies have shown that patients who used marijuana had on average a thirty four percent decrease in pain. These studies have also shown that upon initial treatment the pain reduction was far greater but decreased over time. (Arias, D. C. 2007).  I would assume this is because Overtime the body will develop a natural tolerance to almost anything. Whether it be, medical marijuana, or prescription pharmaceuticals.
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Here are a few more examples of the quality of life for individuals dealing with all sorts of different afflictions and/or diseases, from the use of medical marijuana: Individuals who consume marijuana regularly have, on average less issues involving depression than those who do not consume it, relief in the controlling of seizures in patients who suffer from epilepsy, doctors abroad will admit to the fact that medical marijuana helps reverse deterioration in patients who suffer from glaucoma, as well as reduce pain and pressure associated with it, therapeutic treatment of such psychological anxiety and mood disorders and many more abroad. (International Business, T. 2012)
If we were to actually take a universal ethical egoism approach to this matter in particular, (Witt, G. A., & Mossler, R. A. 2010) on a national or maybe even global level, I would assume that we would have surprisingly, better effects than we currently have as of right now. I believe that people do as they are told, because someone of authority is almost inherently someone of gratitude and respect even trust. I believe this directly correlates with the mass idea of what marijuana is? What is stands for, and most importantly why it has been viewed as more heinous than alcohol or tobacco for many years within this country particularly. Entities, such as; the mass media, drug awareness groups, academic and public mentors, commercialized anti-drug marketing campaigns, and many other government and local law enforcement agencies over the years; have conditioned us mentally to stray away from street drug. Lately prescription drug abuse is gaining major attention nationally; this is a situation in which we can see direct benefits from medical marijuana, in contrast to harmful prescription drugs. These highly prescribed
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narcotic prescription drugs that are being abused at an alarming rate, could one day be substituted with active ingredients found in medical marijuana. This is very beneficial for reasons such as; treating symptoms with safer alternatives to harsh and highly addictive narcotics that can damage the body and liver over time dramatically. (GateHouse Media, I. c, Kerr, C. 2010)
Going back to my statement about authority playing a role in the facts being preached and soaked up by our brains, I have provided an example of an experiment conducted many times with different individuals by Yale University Psychiatrist Stanley Milgram. These were conducted in the early sixties. This was an experiment to scientifically explore and test an individual’s willingness to obey an authority figure. The experiments were carried out multiple times, in which the same procedures were utilized every time. With much the same results time and time again.
In conducting these experiments Dr. Stanley Milgram would use three individuals, in which only one was unaware of the true nature of the obedience experiment. Out of the three individuals they were categorized as follows: There was the unaware party or volunteer, who was; always selected as the teacher, the person conducting the experiment or the authority figure over the experiment and individuals involved, and finally, the third individual was a volunteer who was actually fully aware of the experiment’s nature and procedures and was always selected to be the learner.

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The learner was separated in a room right next to the authority figure and the teacher volunteer or unaware party. The teacher/volunteer was sat down in front on a control panel. The teacher/volunteer was to call upon the learner for answers to questions asked, if the learner was to answer incorrectly the teacher was instructed by the authority figure to then press a button on the control panel, which would; deliver an electric shock to the learner in the next room. The learner is of course aware to the experiment and is not actually being shocked. The screams of agony heard in the control room were false dramatizations made by the learner, in an attempt to keep the experiment as realistic as possible. As the experiments would progress, the voltage of the shock would be turned up and the learner would exhibit more signs of distress and pain. The teacher’s/volunteer’s would naturally express concern for the other party/learner, but the authority figure would respond by saying; that the experiment must go on and that the individual would be fine, and that the teacher volunteer would not be held responsible for anything that has happened. (Blass, T. 2009).
Throughout the experiments, it was blatantly evident that individuals in the teacher/volunteer role of the experiment would do things that they would not normally do, even when their own good judgment would tell them not to. Based on the fact that; an authority figure was commanding them to do so and reassuring that for a lack of better words “everything is ok, and that you can put trust within the authority figure”. This shows that individuals do many of the things they do because society tells them that are the way that it’s done, in one way or another. 
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I believe that if more individuals used the full spectrum of their brain to really encompass what looking out for your own best interest’s by working together with others and “agreeing to disagree” in unison could really do for society. We need to learn to see that as one, united with true, genuine, good natured, progressive, and positive intentions this nation would have more success in many different areas of life. The fact alone that are own government is but two split parties, in which consistently disagree and argue amongst each other, opposed to working together to achieve greatness; is a stern example of the almost barbaric code of a lot of our world leaders and the ideals they set in place.
I think that in government, as well as in many institutions they do many things as I stated before, that they do not wish to for reasons of appeasing someone of authority. I am quite sure that there are members of congress and of the senate that have outside of the box thinking practices. I believe such individuals do not propose certain ideas for fear of ridicule, and the damaging of their personal self image, both personally and professionally.  
In closure, I agree with both the ethical egoism theory and the utilitarianism theory when it comes to this specific topic (Witt, G. A., & Mossler, R. A. 2010). To simply put it, most people enjoy marijuana; whether for recreational or medicinal purposes. I think that if more individuals did what they wanted in a responsible manner, with positive and progressive intent, they would; probably utilize things such as marijuana recreationally and/or for medical purposes. In my personal opinion, for me; this is perfectly fine as long as used responsibly.

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Alcohol and even tobacco are far worse for your health and overall quality of life in many ways. If you were to tally up the accidental or intentional deaths involved with alcohol from all different scenarios, and the amount of fatalities associated with the consumption of tobacco products; im sure the numbers would astonish you. That is just common sense, based on what knowledge we have of those two widely used legal products in the United States. There is little doubt that marijuana is far safer for consumption than that of alcohol or tobacco. Not even to mention the immense economical positive’s that could be accrued by marijuana legalization. Now more than ever, do we need change in our economic future; if we do not act soon America may fall into the dark ages of financial history.
I personally do not see any problem what so ever, with the use of marijuana for recreational or medical purposes. I hope to one day see it legalized abroad, so that many people can experience all the true benefits that cannabis holds. I have provided different factual examples that hold value in the argument of marijuana being much more positive, than negative. We cannot rely on lawmaker’s alone, if we want to see change within our society, whether it be; marijuana legalization, same sex marriage, gun control or any other issue; we must take action. We must be the voice of change, and influence other’s with similar interests to act as well. I mean only good, when I speak of action I mean; positive, progressive and peaceful intelligent action. Nothing happens overnight, but with time, and ambition we can achieve anything.

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Earleywine, M. (2013). A legal marijuana economy without puns. Psyccritiques, 58(3),             doi:10.1037/a0031001 Retrieved from  
A Future of Legalized Marijuana?. (2012). World Future Review (World Future Society),             4(4), 28-32. Retrieved from
Legalization of marijuana: NASN consensus statement. (2013). NASN School Nurse (Print), 28(4), 206-207.
Uritsky, T. J., McPherson, M., & Pradel, F. (2011). Assessment of Hospice Health Professionals'
Knowledge, Views, and Experience with Medical Marijuana. Journal Of Palliative Medicine, 14(12), 1291-1295. doi:10.1089/jpm.2011.0113 Retrieved from
Arias, D. C. (2007). Study shows medical marijuana benefits.(HEALTH FINDINGS: The
latest public health studies and research)(Brief article). The Nation's Health, (3), 16.
Blass, T. (2009). From New Haven to Santa Clara: A historical perspective on the Milgram
obedience experiments. American Psychologist, 64(1), 37-45. doi:10.1037/a0014434
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Witt, G. A., & Mossler, R. A. (2010). Adult development and life assessment. San Diego, CA:
Bridgepoint Education, Inc. Retrieved from
International Business, T. (2012, August 8). ‘Medical’ Marijuana: 10 Health Benefits That  
Legitimize Legalization. International Business Times. Retrieved from
GateHouse Media, I. c. (2010, December 2). Letter: Medical marijuana a safe pain alternative.
State Journal-Register, The (Springfield, IL). Retrieved from

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