Friday, April 18, 2014

Gun Control (A Deductive Argument)


The Issue in which I have chosen to expand upon is Gun Control/The Right to Bear Arms/The right to Concealed Carry. The instructions directed us to choose a human rights issue, I will admit I am a novice when it comes to the clarification of what exactly constitutes as human rights specifically. For this reason I figured that as it is our right as citizens of the United States “Human Right” to Bear arms; so I decided to expand upon this “Human Rights Issue”.

Premise 1.According to ; states that have enacted concealed carry laws have drastically reduced the murder and crime rates.

Premise 2.According to; ABC News conducted a found that approximately ¾ of American citizens believe the Second Amendment truly protects the rights and individual citizens to own guns.

Premise 3.According to within the past 20 years the sales of guns have increased significantly, in contrast homicides by firearms have actually gone down approximately thirty nine percent. And to boot crimes that didn’t involve fatalities but did involve firearms have significantly dropped by sixty nine percent.


Concealed carry, as well as the right to bear arms is an overall good idea for humanity within the U.S. The right to bear arms benefits the good law abiding citizens; by providing them with immediate defense in the event of an attack/assault. Statistics show that when citizens are able to conceal a firearm legally crimes can be stopped in their tracks, whether it is against the individual carrying the firearm, or someone nearby that is in distress. Statistics show that concealed carry laws as well as the second amendment help to detour crime abroad.

Close Relationships Mask Poor Communication (Interpersonal Friendships/Relationships)

Thinking about How “Close Relationships Sometimes Mask Poor Communication”
David Christian Toepfer
COM 200
Dr. Sherell Harell
April 13th, 2014

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                        In our everyday lives we encounter family and friends, or even co-workers that we care for or even love a great deal. When we communicate with these individuals we seem to have masked the reality that we might not understand the other person/s; views, insights, feelings etc. as we properly should. This makes it hard to know how the person you are communicating with really is. In doing so we may find ourselves ignorant to the other’s true selves, this seems to happen overtime and be attributed to the ideology of unconditional love within close relationships between two or more people. I enjoyed reading the required resources for this assignment very much indeed, and gained some new insight to answer the questions provided to structure the contents of this short essay.
I think that that the article “Close Relationships Sometimes Mask Poor Communication” provided from U.S. News and World Report (2011, January) did a phenomenal job at providing quality examples of just how their title was validated with statistics from credible sources. As cited in U.S. News and World Report; "People commonly believe that they communicate better with close friends than with strangers. That closeness can lead people to overestimate how well they communicate, a phenomenon we term the 'closeness-communication bias,'" (2011, January Para. 3). We can see here how initially within the article we are provided with good, clear content informing us about exactly what this article is going to be about. I have had many instances that correlate well with this closeness-communication bias, for example; I was involved within a relationship with an individual who seemed to have some problems in the communication department and I became accustom to just writing off her subtle hints as nothing to worry about. I felt like I did the majority of the talking within the relationship and she seemed to be okay with it, “seemed” is the important word in that sentence. I would consistently try to penetrate the guarded walls she put forth and did my best at that time in my life to try to understand what was going on in her head and exactly what I could do to improve upon the communication skills within our relationship. I was quite assured that she understood me well, but I don’t think that she truly did, I think that her issues with interpersonal communication hindered her from truly finding out who I really was and vice versa. It seems as if when people are involved in deep conversation etc. they seem to be able to find more out about each-
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-other than opposed to one speaking party and one party that does not seem to be to interested in the conversation.
            As cited here in U.S. News and World Report; "A wife who says to her husband, 'it's getting hot in here,' as a hint for her husband to turn up the air conditioning a notch, may be surprised when he interprets her statement as a coy, amorous advance instead," (2011, January Para.6). This is yet another terrific example expanding on just how these misinterpretations in communication can lead to conflict in a relationship for many different reasons and in many different ways. As we learn in our textbook, self control coupled with good interpersonal communication skills are both equally important in developing a positive relationship especially in reference to communication specifically (Sole, K. 2010).
            In regards to the personal situation that I expressed just a moment ago, I think that there are a plethora of different ways in which I could go about improving upon my communication skills to more clearly assert myself. I also think that there are many ways in which I could improve upon understanding the other party’s point of view so that I may be able to improve upon the relationship’s dexterity. One important aspect of good communication is perception checking which can be described as “Confirming with other people what you perceive in a communication situation” (Sole, K. 2010, P. 86). This stood out to be an excellent contributor to me understanding the other party’s point of view, feelings, thoughts, fears, dreams etc and so on. Another way in which I could work to make my communication more clearly to the other party or parties is to improve upon my self-efficiency which the text describes as “Having confidence in your ability to think, judge, choose, and decide; trusting yourself and being self-reliant” (Sole, K. 2010, P 86). I think that increasing my abilities in these departments would be playing a very critical role at being a better interpersonal communicator as well. For example; if I would have been more intuitive about my previous situation and used the abilities that are described in the utilization of self-efficiency to allow myself to better judge the other parties true selves.

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Close relationships sometimes mask poor communication. (2011, January). U.S. News & World Report,
 doi: 2270370591 Retreived from
Kathy Sole. 2010. Making Connections: Understanding Interpersonal Communication. Bridgepoint
Education, Inc., San Diego, CA. Retrieved from

Film Critique: Donnie Brasco

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Final Paper Film Critique: Donnie Brasco
David Christian Toepfer
Instructor Bryde
Monday, March 24th, 2014

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Well known popular star’s coupled with the right story and filmmakers; usually seems to be the perfect recipe for an instantaneous hit at the box office.  But there is something more important to the many different elements of film than simply revenue; movies take us away from our own reality and place us in another individual or individual’s world. Films help us to see the world in different ways without ever leaving our seats. In this major motion picture two immensely talented and seasoned American stars; Johnny Depp & Al Pacino co-star together in the real life gangster film: “Donnie Brasco”.  Johnny Depp does a phenomenal job at bringing the element of realism to the big screen as he magnificently plays FBI agent Joseph Pistone; who infiltrated the Italian mafia for nearly six years, becoming a trusted associate and being offered the chance to become a mad man more than once. The legendary; Al Pacino does a fantastic job in his portrayal of real life, notoriously loyal, and violent, mobster by the name of Lefty Ruggiero. The thematic elements of this film seem to simply portray what some would call an inside look into the world of the Italian Mafia; but under the hood we can see that this film is much more than just that.
The events that followed within the next six years would inspire one of the greatest gangster films ever brought to the big screen. FBI Agent Joseph Pistone did something no other American law enforcement agent had ever done before; he would go on to successfully infiltrate the Italian Mafia without ever breaking his cover for nearly six years. Pistone was even offered the chance to become a made member of the Italian Mafia on two separate occasions throughout his elaborate undercover investigation.
In the film Agent Pistone a.k.a. Donnie Brasco befriends a well known member of the Bonanno crime family early on within the plot; his name was Lefty Ruggiero. Ruggiero’s character was played by none other than Depp’s co-star; the legendary Al Pacino. Depp’s character Donnie Brasco is a jeweler within his undercover persona. He is known as; Don the Jeweler within the mafia underworld. In the beginning of the film, Ruggierio is sitting with the rest of his immediate associates and is partaking in a conversation with Nicky, played by; Bruno Kirby one of Ruggiero’s wise guy buddies.
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Nicky happened to know a little about Donnie Brasco, or at least he thought he did. Ruggiero asks Nicky about Brasco’s presence at the bar which happened to be right across the room from them, Nicky replies; “That’s Don, Don, the Jeweler” (DiGiama, & Newell, 1997). Nicky continues to tell Ruggiero that Don is not a made guy but is a connected guy, and Nicky seems to portray a general feeling of trust and confidence in reference to Don the Jeweler’s positive street credibility. The information presented by Nicky seems to be more implicit than explicit because of the fact that he doesn’t truly know Don all that well imagine (Goodykoontz, & Jacobs, 2011, P. 206, Para. 1).
Ruggiero initially approaches Brasco and asks him a question regarding a diamond’s legitimacy, in which Ruggiero is in possession of. Brasco answers the questions accordingly and without fear; even in light of Ruggiero’s intense and aggressive mannerisms and verbal remarks. This shows Ruggiero that Brasco is not afraid to defend his opinions or expertise. For example when Ruggiero feels like Brasco is disrespecting him in reference to the jewel’s legitimacy Ruggiero replies “You’re pissin up the wrong tree my friend” (DiGiama, & Newell, 1997). Brasco keep’s his composure under any and all circumstances throughout this and the remainder of the plot.
From this point forward Ruggierro takes Brasco under his wing and plays a very large role in unintentionally assisting agent Joseph Pistone aka Donnie Brasco into actively infiltrating the Mafia. Brasco impresses Ruggiero early on within the film, where he very cleverly asserts that Ruggiero’s diamond is a fake with utter confidence. Immediately after that Brasco’s took it so far as to retrieve restitution from the individual who ripped Ruggiero off, plus some. Brasco was able to extort a very nice sports car in exchange for eight thousand dollars owed to Ruggiero. Lefty Ruggiero is a high strung individual who is very opinionated, jealous, violent, and long time loyal member of the Mafia. As time passes you find that Ruggierro cares for Brasco as if he were one of his children or lifelong friends, we also learn that this feeling seems to be mutual between the two. This becomes imminent in many different scenes throughout the film. Over time the two develop a legitimate friendship/relationship and see eye to eye on many things; but disagree on many as well.
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Brasco insinuates multiple times almost in a subliminal manner things that are in relation to Ruggierro just getting out of the Mafioso lifestyle all together.  Ruggierro talks about a large boat that he has always wanted and has dreamed about for years, this is what initially inspired Brasco to encourage Ruggierro to think about his lifestyle in a different light. Ruggiero expressed to Brasco that if he had that boat he could just take off and never come back (DiGiama, & Newell, 1997).
Multiple, extreme simultaneous conflicts seem to be the center focus in relation to the theme of this film.  We see consistent conflict of an interpersonal nature on behalf of both FBI agent Joseph Pistone as well as on the behalf of Mafioso Lefty Ruggierro. These conflicts appear to be arising from a vast array of different emotions and actions of Ruggiero, Brasco and others. The brunt of the emotional baggage due to things that had happened during the investigation fell on agent Pistones conscious more than the rest of the individuals involved as you might imagine (Goodykoontz, & Jacobs, 2011, Pg’s 50-72).
Agent Pistone has his own reservations regarding this undercover investigation, so does his Mafioso mentor and friend Lefty Ruggierro. They have different reasons for their interpersonal conflicts and personal reservations about the lifestyle in which they are living.  Brasco has issues in regards to Ruggiero’s safety and well being and Ruggiero has issues of the same nature in regards to Brasco and as well his son who happens to be a dope addict (DiGiama, & Newell, 1997).
This film is constructed in chronological order; helping to emphasize to the viewer the day by day routine of agent Pistones life in the Mafia underworld living as Donnie Brasco. As he patiently lives out his life for nearly 6 years collecting evidence in secret as a respected associate of the Italian Mafia; the days turn into weeks, and the weeks turn into months and from them to years. We can see that Agent Joseph Pistone is increasingly becoming more personally and emotionally involved with certain associates within his designated crime family (Goodykoontz, & Jacobs, 2011).

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There is a certain level of dramatic irony in this film; from the very beginning of the film we are aware that Donnie Brasco is in fact an undercover FBI agent by the name of Joseph Pistone. By watching the film from the perspective of a third party point of view while knowing that Brasco is really a federal agent, and at the same time simultaneously we are aware that the incredibly dangerous, and intuitive individuals he is investigating are clueless of this. If for some reason something was to go wrong and his cover would have been blown while he was on the job around his associates, his likelihood of survival probably would not be too grand (Goodykoontz, & Jacobs, 2011, Pg.43).
There is a back-story element to Ruggiero’s personal life in correlation with him and Brasco’s relationship. Lefty Ruggiero’s son is a heroin addict; this put a tremendous deal of stress upon Ruggierro It seems as if his son shames him great deal, but if you pay close attention you can see that this man deep down has plenty of love and genuine concern for his son and others in his life. Ruggierro’s relationship with Brasco is symbolic in terms of it being a sort of metaphor symbolizing the relationship he wished he had with his son. Ruggiero also confides in Brasco many times throughout the plot, Brasco seems as if he is one of the only people that Ruggiero can truly trust, and Brasco knows this (Goodykoontz, & Jacobs, 2011, Pg. 42). We can also view this relationship between Ruggiero and Brasco as an Allegory; for the fact that as I have previously stated it acts as a symbolic representation in reference to the Ruggiero vs. Brasco relationship in direct correlation with the Ruggiero vs. Son relationship (Goodykoontz, & Jacobs, 2011, Pg. 243).

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There is an extensive amount of dialogue between Ruggiero and Brasco in contrast to the other characters within the movie. For example we can see the element of conflict quite well within the dialogue expressed between the two fashions (Goodykoontz, & Jacobs, 2011, P. 303). The conflict between the two mainly arises from Brasco’s caring nature and mental indifferences between himself and Ruggiero. There is also conflict between the two in the last scene of the movie, in which Ruggiero tells Brasco in not so many words that if he ever an informant that he; Ruggiero would not hesitate to eliminate him from this earth. This is a major climax in the story, which involves a boat in which Brasco had arranged for their crew to host a party for a major player in the Italian Mafia (DiGiama, & Newell, 1997).
This movie in particular would fit into the major genre of film noir because of its mysterious and dark essence. It has many unsavory characters and holds many thrilling aspects (Goodykoontz, & Jacobs, 2011, P. 306). For example; we can see that the under the hood aspects of the Mafia underground are anything but glamorous. On the exterior things look to be fantastic, but this is and always will be the primary attributes in which the Mafia will put forth in order to keep up the image of being honorable men and not just common street thugs (DiGiama, & Newell, 1997).
The utilization of music was perfect within this film, especially when they were in Florida with their club venture. This movie truly brings you back to the late 70s in a clear cut fashion (Goodykoontz, & Jacobs, 2011, Sect. 6.1). The scores that were utilized for the more dramatic of the scenes were placed perfectly within the film to enlist the firm feeling of real, raw and true life drama. It also helps to grab our attention and even though dialogue may not be present, the score alone contributes a great deal to how we intake the visual’s on the screen (Goodykoontz, & Jacobs, 2011, P.161, Para. 3).

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The conflicts within this film seem to always be in plain sight, but this is just another way in which to bring out the realism of the film. Usually in real life individuals address conflicts more abruptly then in dramatic thriller type of films.  Brasco becomes much attached to Ruggierro as time ticks away, his relationship with Ruggierro and lifestyle within the Mafia was only helping to fuel his perversion of reality. His interpersonal conflict had reached maximum when he started to be given extreme amounts of trust and respect by people much higher ranking than him, specifically since he was not even a mad man but simply an associate of the family (Goodykoontz, & Jacobs, 2011, Pg. 303).
Brasco is faced with more inter conflict within the Bonanno family when one of the acting bosses “Sonny Black”  attempts to persuade Brasco that Ruggierro is basically a washed up old drunk and is doing nothing but bringing him down. This dialogue between Brasco and Sonny Black only fuels Ruggieros feelings of envy and jealousy towards Brasco and others in his organization. Ruggierro even in fear that he may be killed off because of his attitude towards things in general and/or because he is of no use and is still utilizing their resources (Goodykoontz, & Jacobs, 2011).
Towards the end of the film as the plot thickens when agent Joseph Pistone returns home to retireve a large sum of money related to his activities with the Mafia. Upon retrieving the money bag, his wife stops him; to confront Pistone about his negligence in reference to his children and herself. Pistone expressed to his wife how close he has become to Ruggierro and how this investigation is “eating me alive,” (DiGiama, & Newell, 1997). Agent Pistone reveals to his wife his inner conflict in which he lives with; and the knowledge that if he pulls out of this investigation or foils it in any way would affect the life of his now close friend Lefty Ruggierro. Soon after this exchange in dramatic dialogue he says to his wife “I’m not becoming like them Maggie, I am them” (DiGiama, & Newell, 1997). This is yet another example of the genuine empathy in which Pistone feels towards Ruggierro based on countless hours spent listening to Ruggierro express his inner emotions and transgressions (Goodykoontz, & Jacobs, 2011, Pg. 70).

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Agent Pistone indicated that he was ordered to murder capo Philip Giaccone and for this
he would receive the honor of being put in line for a position as a made member of the Mafia. Luckily due to the close surveillance by the FBI of this incident they were able to quickly and efficiently stop Pistone aka Brasko of ultimately committing murder for the Mafia. This was not at Pistone’s request, but rather the FBI had since taken full control of the investigation and ordered the operation to end immediately. Because of the fact that Ruggierro was the one who initially brought Brasco into the original circle within their designated crime family, Ruggiero’s life was in great danger; Ruggierro would have been murdered had he ever made it to a meeting in which he was requested to be at. The meeting was called shortly after the FBI announced that their long time friend Donnie Brasco was actually an undercover FBI agent by the name of Joseph Pistone; but the FBI had arranged for Ruggierro to be arrested on his way to the meeting because they had concrete knowledge of his imminent doom. This shows us here, how agent Pistone can relate to some of these men better than his colleagues in the department of justice (DiGiama, & Newell, 1997).

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In conclusion, what we were here is much more than simply just a good movie/gangster film. This is not just some random film-noir motion picture designed to thrill you with graphic violence and consistent action, we have here a film based on true events, and epic ones at that. We are taken into the Mafia underworld and exposed to the inner workings and personal relationships of the men involved within it. We truly get a genuine close up look at; who these men are, and what these men do, their trials and tribulations, their dog eat dog mentality, the way in which the culture they live in helps to develop them into who they are as adults, the loyalty of these men and the violent nature that ultimately plays the role of brick and mortar in regards to the foundation for the grand ideology behind the mafia. We see all this through incredibly talented movie stars that are truly icons and masters at their craft to say the very least; Al Pacino & Johnny Depp do an outstandingly fantastic job at depicting Lefty Ruggiero and agent Joseph Pistone aka Donnie Brasco to the fullest of extents. We can see that the goal of bringing this true story to our attention; because of the many life lessons as well as human nature that it exhibits has been achieved in the most grandiose fashion.

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Goodykoontz, B., & Jacobs, C. P. (2011). Film: From Watching to Seeing. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. Retrieved from
DiGiama, L. (Producer), & Newell, M. (Director), (1997) Donnie Brasco [Motion Picture] United States:
                     Mandalay Entertainment

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Quotes By: David Christian Toepfer

"I cannot describe to you anything greater for a man, than a women who truly loves him. But you see, it is up to the man to realize greatness when it comes walking by" - David Christian Toepfer

"I have never, and probably will never fully trust anyone. God himself tells us in scripture, that the intentions of humans are evil in nature the vast majority of time, everywhere."- David Christian Toepfer

"I often get told I give off a serial killer vibe....... Good" - David Christian Toepfer

"I'm far to old of a soul to get frisky with these new fangled, dehuminizing, sex toys, and
love drugs....I prefer one vagina attached to a human female and I prefer to use my body
as the toy......" - David Christian Toepfer

"In matters that involve violent crimes by those we love, in doubt; we often proclaim their of no guilt based upon personal ties. But im quite sure that Hitlers loved ones thought he was a decent guy as well."- David Christian Toepfer

"Do we live to love, Or do we love to live ?"-David Christian Toepfer

"Everyone remembers their first kiss, I wonder if we will remember our last?"-David Christian Toepfer

"Everyone is in search of the truth. I am one of these 

people. But I have some advice for the rest of your truthers 

out there; research Jesus Christ and things will start to make 

more sense" -David Christian Toepfer

"I wish I didn't have the ability to read people so well,

Its a curse, I wish I was lame like most people, I find myself 

liking less about humanity daily" -David Christian Toepfer

"Humanoids are unaware of the energy in which they 

reside, Your body is but a temple, the energy is what gives 

the machine life, some of us can smell this energy; as if it 

were the dew on the morning landscape" -David Christian 


"Express your humility to thee, I want to greet your 

vulnerabilities; with humble grace and magnetic love, the 

truth means all that be"   -David Christian Toepfer 

"Some people look at the glass as half full, some people 

look at the glass as half empty, I simply look at the glass as 

one with liquid in it"    -David Christian Toepfer

"There is only two things I want to do before I die. The first is to make my mother truly proud, and the other is to make my son proud to say I was his daddy"      -David Christian Toepfer

"Sure take away our guns and our rights, because that's a terrific way to ensure that we are safe from all enemies whether domestic or foreign. I mean the Jew's weren't allowed to have firearms, and hey look they were just fine"     - David Christian Toepfer

"I've got allot on my mind, and even more on my plate, but that's the way I like it. I stay progressive. I have no reverse gears. What makes me happy is the pursuit of happiness, truly"     -David Christian Toepfer


David Christian Toepfer 

POL 201


            As far as I understand the iron triangle model in which policy-making works In cahoots with Congress, the bureaucracy, and interest groups, is as follows: The Iron Triangle is a phrase that represents the way In which certain working relationships are formed between the bureaucracy and Congress alike; for the purposes of appeasing the same goals or interests. Which in turn involve the interest groups associated with the first two entities (Levin-Waldman, 2012).
From information I have attained in reading the literature provided within the assigned resources tab, I have gained that the Military-Industrial Complex seems to be an Iron Triangle within itself to say the least. Congress is acting in cahoots with the bureaucracy as well as the military interest groups. The largest would be that of the Lockheed Martin Company; which is the Pentagons largest contractor. “They got $29 billion in Pentagon awards, which is about $6 billion more than the next company” (Huey-Burns, 2011, Para 3). The Lockheed Martin Company is responsible for the vast majority of the most technologically advanced weaponry for the United States military there is around. They have been scrutinized for corruption and have many controversial programs (Huey-Burns, 2011). President Eisenhower to many people’s surprise actually warned us of this Military-Industrial Complex within his farewell address. He spoke of the different councils within government collectively being vigilant in not falling prey to unwarranted influence. He expanded upon this by adding that the guard that must be present against the Military-Industrial Complex specifically along with any and all other unwarranted influence/s (Newton, 2010).
My personal opinion in regards to defense spending and the role in which these different Iron Triangles play within this whole financial rollercoaster is as follows: I don’t believe that companies such as Lockheed Martin need to be receiving such drastic amounts of government funding as I stated previously in this post (Huey-Burns, 2011). These Iron Triangles are scapegoats and collaborative efforts to fund special interest groups without trouble.

Levin-Walman, O.M. (2012). American Government, San Diego CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. Retrieved from
Newton, J. (2010, Dec 20). IKE'S SPEECH. The New Yorker, 86, 42. Retrieved from

Huey-Burns, C. (2011, 01). The modern military-industrial complex. U.S.News & World Report, , 1. Retrieved from