Friday, April 18, 2014

Gun Control (A Deductive Argument)


The Issue in which I have chosen to expand upon is Gun Control/The Right to Bear Arms/The right to Concealed Carry. The instructions directed us to choose a human rights issue, I will admit I am a novice when it comes to the clarification of what exactly constitutes as human rights specifically. For this reason I figured that as it is our right as citizens of the United States “Human Right” to Bear arms; so I decided to expand upon this “Human Rights Issue”.

Premise 1.According to ; states that have enacted concealed carry laws have drastically reduced the murder and crime rates.

Premise 2.According to; ABC News conducted a found that approximately ¾ of American citizens believe the Second Amendment truly protects the rights and individual citizens to own guns.

Premise 3.According to within the past 20 years the sales of guns have increased significantly, in contrast homicides by firearms have actually gone down approximately thirty nine percent. And to boot crimes that didn’t involve fatalities but did involve firearms have significantly dropped by sixty nine percent.


Concealed carry, as well as the right to bear arms is an overall good idea for humanity within the U.S. The right to bear arms benefits the good law abiding citizens; by providing them with immediate defense in the event of an attack/assault. Statistics show that when citizens are able to conceal a firearm legally crimes can be stopped in their tracks, whether it is against the individual carrying the firearm, or someone nearby that is in distress. Statistics show that concealed carry laws as well as the second amendment help to detour crime abroad.